How to Test MySQL Connections
It could happen that the connection to your MySQL database got lost. Our client panel has included a tool for you to test if MySQL connection can be made successfully. This guide will show you the steps.
1. Locate the deployment
Please log in to the Control Panel at with your credentials. Go to the "My Applications" page and locate your target deployment from all deployments listed.
2. Navigate to the "Overview" page
Click the "Manage" button on the My Applications page to go to the Overview page.
3. Test MySQL connection
On the top of the Overview page, you will see the connection information of your MySQL. We will use the admin user to make the connection attempt. Copy the password of the admin user.
Then, click the "Test Connection" button. You will be prompted to input the credentials to make the connection. Input "admin" in the User filed, and paste the password in the Password filed.
After that, click "Test."
If the connection fails, you will see the result like the screeshot below. Often, the error message is provided at the buttom of the window.
The example connection failure is due to wrong password.
If you get the following result, congratulations, you've successfully made the connection.
If this guide still could solve the connection issue, please refer to the guide on troubleshooting connection issues.